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Raman Ashta MD
3 min read
The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is the buzzword you may encounter everywhere these days. As a primary care physician who practices and...
Raman Ashta MD
3 min read
Do I need a Primary Care Physician (PCP)? ..Why do I need a PCP?
You may be 20 years old and in perfect health. Or You may be 70 years old and see 5 specialists for your various health issues. Or You...
Raman Ashta MD
2 min read
Excess Weight is a Pain....literally!!!
Often, I find in my practice that many patients who suffer from obesity also suffer from some type of chronic pain. Most common types of...
Raman Ashta MD
2 min read
To Smoothie or Not?
Smoothies have been a popular health food for quite a while. Throw a banana, a handful of berries, protein powder (and even spinach or...
Raman Ashta MD
2 min read
The Best Diet For You!!!
If you have ever asked me for "diet " advice, you know that there is no short and straight answer to this question. What is the best...
Raman Ashta MD
1 min read
Should I count calories?
Counting calories is not necessary for most people. One of the major issues with counting calories is that all calories are treated...
Raman Ashta MD
5 min read
Your weight loss prescription
As we get more and more educated about obesity as a chronic disease, we realize that one’s weight is determined by far more factors than...
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