You may be 20 years old and in perfect health.
You may be 70 years old and see 5 specialists for your various health issues.
You may be in between and need to see a doctor occasionally.
A primary care physician is a medical professional that you want to have on your side, no matter what your health status may be.
As a primary care physician, I have known some of my patients for many years. Some have followed me across practices as I have made changes in my career. Patients usually stay with their primary care physician for years.
The relationships I share with my patients as their doctor, their confidant and sometimes their friend is the most favorite part of my “work”…which never feels like work. More about that later.
But today I want to share with you why you may consider having a PCP.
Preventive Health
See your PCP for an annual physical and take an inventory of your health. We are up to date on national guidelines on screening tests and immunizations. We look at your family history and alert you to look for early signs of diseases. We check labs which can give us cues about what health issues may be brewing in your body when they are not bad enough to cause any symptoms yet. We are experts at early detection. We let you know if you’re due for any vaccinations.
First Point of Contact
When something feels wrong, we are your first point of contact with the healthcare system. A lot of times, we can figure out what the issue is and treat you for it. Sometimes, we refer you to appropriate specialists for further testing and treatment.
When you google X symptom that you are having and a scary diagnosis pops up, we help you sort good information from junk.
Chronic Health Issues
We are comfortable managing most common health issues like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, high cholesterol, and such. We monitor your symptoms and blood tests, refill your medications and co-ordinate care with the specialists if needed.

Tying it together
We try to keep up with all your specialists and try to keep all your information together. Many of my patients still like to see me on a regular basis even when they are seeing several specialists. I review all their medical issues and treatment plans. I put it all together for them in a way they understand. They leave feeling empowered and confident in their health and their treatment.
Common Nuisances
We take care of the common nuisances that show up every once in a while to disrupt your lives. If you catch a cold, get a rash, a sore or a sprain, we are happy to help you. In a quick same day or next day visit, you can see your own doctor who knows your history and can figure out a treatment plan for you. And when appropriate, you may be able to do these visits virtually without having to drive to the office.
No matter your age or health status, please find yourself a primary care doctor that you like and trust. It is no less important than having a health insurance policy. You never know when you will need one.
And if you are on the space coast and looking for a PCP, please feel free to call my office at 321-341-1700. I look forward to being your doctor.